

This class contains all of the SharePoint data regarding a file or folder.

Implemented types



global SharepointFileInfo()


global ApiActionStatusstring

Used internally


global ByteSizeDouble

File size in Actual bytes

global CreatedByString

SharePoint user that created the file or folder

global CreatedDateTimeString

Used internally

global CustomFieldsMap<String,String>

The values of all of the custom fields returned on the file or folder

global CustomFieldsJsonString

global DisplayNameString

What is shown in the UI

global FormatString

The extension of the file in SharePoint (zip,jpg,pdf)

global IdString

The Sharepoint Id of the file or folder. This id the main reference field used in API calls in the ClientApi class.

global IndexInteger

Used internally

global itemsList<SharepointFileInfo>

A structure to store child items related to the current SharePointFileInfo Object. This does not query child objects, it only provides a way to store related records for programmatic manipulation.

global LastModifiedDatetime

SharePoint date last modified

global ModifiedByString

SharePoint user that most recently modified the file or folder

global NameString

name of the file

global NameWithoutExtString

File Name without extension

global OpenUrlString

The full URL to open the file in sharepoint

global ParentIdstring

Used Internally

global SharepointGuidstring

Used internally

global SharepointListIdstring

Used internally

global SizeString

File size in with formatting

global TypeString

Microsoft file type

global UrlString

Relatave Path on the SharePoint server