This class contains all of the SharePoint data regarding a file or folder.
Implemented types
global SharepointFileInfo()
global ApiActionStatus
→ string
Used internally
global ByteSize
→ Double
File size in Actual bytes
global CreatedBy
→ String
SharePoint user that created the file or folder
global CreatedDateTime
→ String
Used internally
global CustomFields
→ Map<String,String>
The values of all of the custom fields returned on the file or folder
global CustomFieldsJson
→ String
global DisplayName
→ String
What is shown in the UI
global Format
→ String
The extension of the file in SharePoint (zip,jpg,pdf)
global Id
→ String
The Sharepoint Id of the file or folder. This id the main reference field used in API calls in the ClientApi class.
global Index
→ Integer
Used internally
global items
→ List<SharepointFileInfo>
A structure to store child items related to the current SharePointFileInfo Object. This does not query child objects, it only provides a way to store related records for programmatic manipulation.
global LastModified
→ Datetime
SharePoint date last modified
global ModifiedBy
→ String
SharePoint user that most recently modified the file or folder
global Name
→ String
name of the file
global NameWithoutExt
→ String
File Name without extension
global OpenUrl
→ String
The full URL to open the file in sharepoint
global ParentId
→ string
Used Internally
global SharepointGuid
→ string
Used internally
global SharepointListId
→ string
Used internally
global Size
→ String
File size in with formatting
global Type
→ String
Microsoft file type
global Url
→ String
Relatave Path on the SharePoint server