Table of contents
  1. ClientApi
    1. Constructors
      1. global ClientApi()
        1. Example
    2. Fields
      1. global documentLibraryIdstring
      2. global enforceSecurityboolean
      3. global namedCredentialNamestring
      4. global objectSettingsLabelstring
      5. global sharepointSiteIdstring
    3. Methods
      1. global Boolean copyItem(string itemId, string parentFolderId)
      2. global Boolean copyItem(string itemId, string parentFolderId, string destLibraryId)
      3. global Boolean copyItem(string itemId, string parentFolderId, string destLibraryId, string newFileName)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
      4. global SharePointFileInfo createFolder(string parentFolderId, string folderName)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
        3. Example
      5. global String createSharingLink(String itemId)
      6. global String createSharingLink(String itemId, String type)
      7. global String createSharingLink(String itemId, String type, DateTime expirationDateTime)
      8. global String createSharingLink(String itemId, String type, DateTime expirationDateTime, String password)
      9. global String createSharingLink(String itemId, String type, DateTime expirationDateTime, String password, String scope)
      10. global String createSharingLink(String itemId, String type, DateTime expirationDateTime, String password, String scope, List<string> recipients)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
      11. global SharePointFileInfo createURLFile(string parentFolderId, string itemId)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
      12. global SharePointFileInfo createURLFile(string parentFolderId, string fileName, string url)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
      13. global Boolean deleteItem(string itemId)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
      14. global ContentVersion downloadFile(string fileId)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
        3. Example
      15. global List<SharePointDocumentLibrary> getDocumentLibraries()
        1. Returns
        2. Example
      16. global string getDocumentLibraryRootFolderId()
        1. Returns
        2. Example
      17. global String getDownloadLink(string fileId)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
        3. Example
      18. global list<SharePointFileInfo> getFolderContents(string folderId, Boolean getNextPage)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
        3. Example
      19. global SharePointFileInfo getItemById(string itemId)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
        3. Example
      20. global SharePointFileInfo getItemByPath(string path)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
        3. Example
      21. global SharePointUrlResponse getItemBySharePointURL(string sharePointUrl)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
        3. Example
      22. global SharePointFileInfo getItemIdByGuid(string guid)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
      23. global string getItemPreviewUrl(string itemId)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
      24. global string getListItemIdFromLibraryId(string libraryId)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
      25. global List<SharePointSite> getSites()
        1. Returns
      26. global List<SharePointSite> getSites(string hostname)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
        3. Example
      27. global string getUploadSessionURL(string destinationFolderId, string fileName, boolean replaceFile)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
      28. global boolean morePagesAvailable()
        1. Returns
      29. global SharePointFileInfo moveItem(string itemId, string parentFolderId)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
      30. global SharePointFileInfo renameFile(string fileId, string newName)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
      31. global List<SharePointFileInfo> searchForItems(string searchTerm)
      32. global List<SharePointFileInfo> searchForItems(string searchTerm, string folderId, boolean searchSubfolders)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
        3. Example
      33. global SharepointFileInfo setupFolder(string recordId, string parentFolderId, string objectSettingsLabel)
      34. global SharepointFileInfo setupFolder(string recordId, string parentFolderId, string objectSettingsLabel, string conflictBehavior)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
      35. global SharePointFileInfo updateCustomFields(string fileId, Map<String,String> customFields)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
        3. Example
      36. global SharePointFileInfo uploadFile(string parentFolderId, string fileName, Blob fileContents)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
        3. Example
      37. global SharePointFileInfo uploadFile(string parentFolderId, string fileName, Blob fileContents, string recordId, map<string,string> customFields)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
        3. Example
      38. global SharePointFileInfo uploadFile(string parentFolderId, string fileName, Blob fileContents, string recordId, map<string,string> customFields, string conflictBehavior)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
        3. Example
      39. global SharePointFileInfo uploadLargeFile(string parentFolderId, string fileName, string documentVersionId)
      40. global SharePointFileInfo uploadLargeFile(string parentFolderId, string fileName, string documentVersionId, string recordId, map<string,string> customFields)
      41. global SharePointFileInfo uploadLargeFile(string parentFolderId, string fileName, string documentVersionId, string recordId, map<string,string> customFields, Boolean autodelete)
      42. global SharePointFileInfo uploadLargeFile(string parentFolderId, string fileName, string documentVersionId, string recordId, map<string,string> customFields, Boolean autodelete, Boolean replaceFile)
        1. Parameters
        2. Returns
        3. Example
      43. global void writeDebugInfo()
    4. Classes
      1. clientApiException


This class allows a Salesforce Developer to leverage the sFiles application to code custom behavior. The API allows the developer to create, delete and update metadata fields for files and folders.


global ClientApi()

Initializes the class. This class is only available to organizations with the API Access permission enabled. All method in the ClientApi class require that namedCredentialName, sharepointSiteId and documentLibraryId are all set to valid values. All methods in ClientApi will make callouts, so you cannot execute any DML operations prior to calling a method. Be sure to reserve DML operations until after ClientApi methods are complete.

In the example below, notice that these values can be pulled from either the SharePoint Settings or SharePoint Object Settings metadata types.


//get auth info from the Settings MDT
fileforcem1__SharePoint_Settings__mdt orgSettings = [SELECT fileforcem1__Named_Credential__c,fileforcem1__Document_Library_Id__c,fileforcem1__Site_Id__c FROM fileforcem1__SharePoint_Settings__mdt WHERE Developername = 'Default' limit 1];
//get the root folder id for the account object
fileforcem1__SharePoint_Object_Settings__mdt objectSettings = [SELECT fileforcem1__Root_Folder_Id__c,fileforcem1__Site_Id__c,fileforcem1__Document_Library_Id__c,fileforcem1__Named_Credential__c FROM fileforcem1__SharePoint_Object_Settings__mdt WHERE MasterLabel ='Account' LIMIT 1 ];
//Initialize the client object
fileforcem1.ClientApi apiClient = new fileforcem1.ClientApi();
apiClient.namedCredentialName = String.isNotBlank(objectSettings.fileforcem1__Named_Credential__c) ? objectSettings.fileforcem1__Named_Credential__c : orgSettings.fileforcem1__Named_Credential__c;
apiClient.sharepointSiteId = objectSettings.fileforcem1__Site_Id__c;
apiClient.documentLibraryId = objectSettings.fileforcem1__Document_Library_Id__c;


global documentLibraryIdstring

The Document Library Id that will be used for the SharePoint Operation. This can be pulled from one of the metadata settings or with the ID Utility. This value is required.

global enforceSecurityboolean

Whether sFiles should enforce record-level security before allowing an API action. The default value is false. When true, the Client API property, “objectSettingsLabel” must have a value. NOTE: This parameter currently only applies to the “getDownloadLink” method.

global namedCredentialNamestring

Specify which named credential to use for SharePoint operations. If the ClientApi class is called from a trigger or user-initiated action, this can be a “per user” named credential. If the code is to be called from scheduled apex, a platform event trigger or any other system-initiated process, use a “named principal” named credential that corresponds to a SharePoint user with appropriate access. This value can be pulled from one of the metadata settings or from your named credentials list. This value is required.

global objectSettingsLabelstring

The master label of the SharePoint Object Settings that sFiles should use to enforce Salesforce record-level security on an API action. This property will only apply if the Client API property “enforceSecurity” equals true. NOTE: This parameter currently only applies to the “getDownloadLink” method.

global sharepointSiteIdstring

The SharePoint site id that will be used for the SharePoint Operation. This can be pulled from one of the metadata settings or with the ID Utility. This value is required.


global Boolean copyItem(string itemId, string parentFolderId)

global Boolean copyItem(string itemId, string parentFolderId, string destLibraryId)

global Boolean copyItem(string itemId, string parentFolderId, string destLibraryId, string newFileName)

Copy a file or folder and its descendants from one folder in SharePoint to another. Use this to have a Salesforce-triggered backup or publishing of a folder, for instance.


Param Description
itemId The SharePoint id of the file or folder that is to be copied.
parentFolderId The SharePoint folder id to copied the item to.
destLibraryId (optional) Specifies the destination document library to copied to. This document library may be in a different site then the ClientApi instance.
newFileName (optional) A new file or folder name to give the copied item. If filename, include the extension.


Type Description
Boolean A boolean that returns true if the item copied successfully and false if it did not.

global SharePointFileInfo createFolder(string parentFolderId, string folderName)

Create a folder within a specified folder. The parentFolderId can be obtained from the ID utility or set from the SharePoint_Id__c field on a record.

In the example below, the client is initialized from Metadata settings shared by sFiles. After this is complete, the folder is created. The resulting SharePointFileInfo object is then utilized to record the SharePoint Folder Id on the account.


Param Description
parentFolderId Must be an existing folder within the Site and Document Library that the user has access to.
folderName The name that you want to give the folder. Be sure to clean your string of forbidden folder name characters.


Type Description
SharePointFileInfo A SharePointFileInfo object of the new folder.

See SharePointFileInfo


Account acct = [SOQL STATEMENT HERE];

//Create the account folder and record the ID
fileforcem1.SharePointFileInfo acctFolder = apiClient.createFolder(objectSettings.fileforcem1__Root_Folder_Id__c, acct.Name);
acct.SharePoint_Folder_Id__c = acctFolder.Id;
update acct;

global String createSharingLink(String itemId)

global String createSharingLink(String itemId, String type)

global String createSharingLink(String itemId, String type, DateTime expirationDateTime)

global String createSharingLink(String itemId, String type, DateTime expirationDateTime, String password)

global String createSharingLink(String itemId, String type, DateTime expirationDateTime, String password, String scope)

global String createSharingLink(String itemId, String type, DateTime expirationDateTime, String password, String scope, List<string> recipients)

Create a sharing link.


Param Description  
itemId A string with the SharePoint Id of the folder or file to share.  
type (Optional) The type of sharing link to create. Defaults to “view”. (view edit)
expirationDateTime (Optional) A String with format of yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ of DateTime. Defaults to never expire or to default expiration policy of organization.  
password (Optional) The password of the sharing link.  
scope (Optional) The scope of the link to create. “anonymous” or “organization” or “users”. Anonymous allows anyone with link to access without signing in. Organization allows only those signed into your tenant to use the link. Users will only share the link with individual recipients and requires that the recipients list is populated  
recipients (Optional) When sharing to specific email addresses, provide the email addresses in a list of string  


Type Description
String A string of the sharing link created.

global SharePointFileInfo createURLFile(string parentFolderId, string itemId)

Creates a url file for a SharePoint Item.


Param Description
parentFolderId The id of the SharePoint folder where the url file will be created.
itemId The SharePoint Item that the url file will link to.


Type Description
SharePointFileInfo A SharePointFileInfo object of the URL file created.

global SharePointFileInfo createURLFile(string parentFolderId, string fileName, string url)

Creates a url file for a link outside of SharePoint.


Param Description
parentFolderId The id of the SharePoint folder where the url file will be created.
fileName the name of the url file ex.’My File’.
url the URL that the url file will link to.


Type Description
SharePointFileInfo A SharePointFileInfo object of the URL file created.

global Boolean deleteItem(string itemId)

Deletes a file or folder in SharePoint


Param Description
fileId The Id value from a SharePointFileInfo object


Type Description
Boolean A boolean that returns true if the item deleted successfully and false if it did not.

global ContentVersion downloadFile(string fileId)

Download file from SharePoint. This method takes a SharePoint file id and retrieves the file from SharePoint. It then saves the file in Salesforce Files as a ContentDocument. It then returns the newly created ContentVersion record which can be used in additional automation. If the file is larger than ~5MB the method will return an error, this is dependent on the heap size for executing code. The heap limit is increased if this method is called as a future or queueable. The example below shows downloading a file from SharePoint based on file Id.


Param Description
fileId Id of existing file to download, within a Site and Document Library that the user has access to.


Type Description
ContentVersion A ContentVersion of the file downloaded from SharePoint.


ContentVersion myDownloadedFile = apiClient.downloadFile(fileId);

global List<SharePointDocumentLibrary> getDocumentLibraries()

Get a list of all document libraries in a given site that is set in the ClientApi instance.


Type Description
List<SharePointDocumentLibrary> A list of SharePointDocumentLibrary objects of the Document Libraries in the SharePoint Site.


 //Get Document Libraries for a given site
List<fileforcem1.SharePointDocumentLibrary> myDocumentLibraries = apiClient.getDocumentLibraries();

global string getDocumentLibraryRootFolderId()

Get the Id for a document library root folder.


Type Description
string The Id of the Root Folder of the Document Library


 //Set the Site and Document Library to getId
 apiClient.sharepointSiteId = 'yourSiteId';
apiClient.documentLibraryId = 'yourDocumentLibraryId';
 //Get the Document Library Root Id
String myDocumentLibraryRootFolderId = apiClient.getDocumentLibraryRootFolderId();

global String getDownloadLink(string fileId)

Download file from SharePoint. This method returns a link to download a file without a limit to file size. Optionally, you can enforce Salesforce record-level security by leveraging the ‘enforceSecurity’ and ‘objectSettingsLabel’ parameters on the client api class. See an example of this below.


Param Description
fileId Id of existing file to download, within a specified Site and Document Library on the clientApi class that the user has access to. The Id must be of a file and not a folder.


Type Description
String A String of the link to download the file from SharePoint.


     apiClient.namedCredentialName = 'sFilesConnection';
     apiClient.sharepointSiteId = 'yourSiteId';
     apiClient.documentLibraryId = 'yourDocumentLibraryId';
     //Optional: check For salesforce record-level security
     apiClient.enforceSecurity = true;
     //Declare the SharePoint Object Settings Label to use for security.
     apiClient.objectSettingsLabel = 'account';

     String myDownloadedFile = apiClient.getDownloadLink(yourFileId);

global list<SharePointFileInfo> getFolderContents(string folderId, Boolean getNextPage)

Query and list the contents of a folder. This method will return a list of SharePointFileInfo objects of up to 200 results. If there are more results available after the query, morePagesAvailable will return true. To query the next page, set getNextPage to true.


Param Description
folderId The SharePoint folder id usually pulled from a record’s SharePoint_Folder_Id__c field.
getNextPage Set to true in order to query the next page from the last query in the current running context. Set to false to get the first page.


Type Description
list<SharePointFileInfo> A list of SharePointFileInfo objects of the items in the folder.


list<fileforcem1.SharePointFileInfo> firstPageContents = apiClient.getFolderContents(ParentFolderId, false);
if (apiClient.morePagesAvailable()){
     list<fileforcem1.SharePointFileInfo> secondPageContents = apiClient.getFolderContents(ParentFolderId, true);

global SharePointFileInfo getItemById(string itemId)

Searches the Site/Document Library for a file by SharePoint Id


Param Description
itemId The SharePoint Id value from a sharepoint file or folder


Type Description
SharePointFileInfo A SharePointFileInfo object of the SharePoint item found.


 //Get the folder
fileforcem1.SharePointFileInfo acctFolder = apiClient.getItemById(objectSettings.fileforcem1__Root_Folder_Id__c);

global SharePointFileInfo getItemByPath(string path)

Retrieves a single file or folder by specifying the path to the file in a document library. This allows automation options such as retrieval of SharePoint folder ids to set the Sharepint_Folder_Id__c on a record. In the example below, a SharePoint Folder Id is retrieved by querying its path within the document library.


Param Description
path The path within the Document Library to a file or folder. For instance, “/Accounts/Bob’s Account” would return the “Bob’s Account” folder information. It must have the slash at the beginning. Relative folder paths such as ../ or ./ are not available.


Type Description
SharePointFileInfo A SharePointFileInfo object of the SharePoint item found.


string folderPath = '/Accounts/Bob\'s Account';
fileforcem1.SharepointFileInfo folderInfo = apiClient.getItemByPath(folderPath);
string folderId = folderInfo.Id;

global SharePointUrlResponse getItemBySharePointURL(string sharePointUrl)

When provided with a URI directly from a SharePoint Location. This method Retrieves a SharePointUrlResponse class which returns the following when successful. Will throw an APIException if there is an error.

  • ID’s of the URL’s folder, document library, document library folder and site
  • SharePointFileInfo objects of the URL’s folder, document library and site


Param Description
sharePointUrl A url that is copied from the browser location of a folder within SharePoint.


Type Description
SharePointUrlResponse A SharePointFileInfo object of the SharePoint item found.


string folderUrl = '';
SharePointUrlResponse myItem = apiClient.getItemBySharePointURL(folderUrl);
System.debug('Folder Id: ' + myItem.folderId);

global SharePointFileInfo getItemIdByGuid(string guid)

Searches the Site/Document Library for a file by SharePoint GUID.


Param Description
guid The GUID value from a SharePoint file or folder.


Type Description
SharePointFileInfo A SharePointFileInfo object of the SharePoint item found.

global string getItemPreviewUrl(string itemId)

Gets the temporary url for the preview of the file.


Param Description
itemId The item Id.


Type Description
string A string of the temporary url to preview the file.

global string getListItemIdFromLibraryId(string libraryId)

This method takes a Document Library ID and returns a list item Id.


Param Description
libraryId The id of the Document Library


Type Description
string The list item id of the Document Library

global List<SharePointSite> getSites()

Get a list of all sites in the root of your SharePoint domain as specified in the “Default” custom metadata type “SharePoint Settings”.


Type Description
List<SharePointSite> A list of SharePointSite objects of each site in the domain specified in the SharePoint Settings.

global List<SharePointSite> getSites(string hostname)

Get a list of all sites in a domain.


Param Description
hostname The SharePoint hostname or site Id to get the list of sites from. E.g., or,123f4bd5-678e-991e-b8c7-54e93f81d3ac,123e4e5d-678a-9f1e-1f23-45adba6789ad


Type Description
List<SharePointSite> A list of SharePointSite objects of each site in the domain specified as a parameter.


 //Get sites
List<fileforcem1.SharePointSite> mySites = apiClient.getSites(',123f4bd5-678e-991e-b8c7-54e93f81d3ac,123e4e5d-678a-9f1e-1f23-45adba6789ad');

global string getUploadSessionURL(string destinationFolderId, string fileName, boolean replaceFile)

Provides a one-time url to upload a file to the specified folder. This is designed to be used with custom client-side javascript to upload a file directly to a location. This method is useful to customers only under certain conditions. Please contact support to determine if this can be used in your solution.


Param Description
destinationFolderId The id of the folder to upload into
fileName the name of the file to be uploaded along with extension
replaceFile a boolean value of whether or not to replace a file if a file by the same specified name already exists in the destination folder.


Type Description
string A string of the one-time upload session url

global boolean morePagesAvailable()

See the documentation for getFolderContents for usage.


Type Description
boolean Returns true if more pages are available to continue the most recent query using getFolderContents.

global SharePointFileInfo moveItem(string itemId, string parentFolderId)

Move a file or folder and its descendants from one folder in SharePoint to another. Use this to have a Salesforce-triggered archive of files, for instance. An item can only be moved within its original document library. Use copyFile to place a file or folder in a different document library.


Param Description
itemId The SharePoint id of the file or folder that is to be moved.
parentFolderId The SharePoint folder id to move the item to.


Type Description
SharePointFileInfo A SharePointFileInfo object of the file or folder that was moved.

global SharePointFileInfo renameFile(string fileId, string newName)

Changes the name of a file or folder in SharePoint


Param Description
fileId The Id value from a SharePointFileInfo object
newName The item name with extension of the file to be renamed. Be sure to make sure that no illegal characters are in the fileName.


Type Description
SharePointFileInfo A SharePointFileInfo object of the file or folder that was renamed.

global List<SharePointFileInfo> searchForItems(string searchTerm)

global List<SharePointFileInfo> searchForItems(string searchTerm, string folderId, boolean searchSubfolders)

Searches a document library or specified folder for all files and folders that match a search term.


Param Description
searchTerm The keyword to search for a file/folder. NOTICE: The searchForItems function will search for this keyword not just in the name, but across all SharePoint columns.
folderId The specific SharePoint folder Id where searchForItems should search.
searchSubfolders Boolean of whether to search the subfolders of the given folderId. If false, sFiles will only return search results of items directly inside the folderId. If true, sFiles will return all matching results from all folders nested in the folderId.


Type Description
List<SharePointFileInfo> A list of SharePointFileInfo objects of the SharePoint Files/Folders that match the search term.


fileforcem1.ClientApi apiClient = new fileforcem1.ClientApi();
apiClient.namedCredentialName = 'sFilesConnection';
//Specify the Site and Document Library where to search
apiClient.sharepointSiteId = yourSiteID;
apiClient.documentLibraryId = yourDocumentLibraryId;
//Get SharePoint Items matching the search term 'Burlington'

List<fileforcem1.SharePointFileInfo> mySearchResults = apiClient.searchForItems('Burlington');

String folderToSearchIn = '015MBR2B3GJVBBHR2DNZB3L4XFNAGJTM6B';
List<fileforcem1.SharePointFileInfo> mySearchResults = apiClient.searchForItems('Burlington', folderToSearchIn, false);

global SharepointFileInfo setupFolder(string recordId, string parentFolderId, string objectSettingsLabel)

global SharepointFileInfo setupFolder(string recordId, string parentFolderId, string objectSettingsLabel, string conflictBehavior)

This method mimics the UI button functionality: “Set Up in SharePoint”. Leverage this functionality to set up a folder for a given record exactly as is done in the UI. It will setup a folder according to the configuration of a specific SharePoint Object Settings record. The method will:

  • Create a folder for the record in the specified parent folder.
  • Name the folder according to the field specified in SharePoint Object Settings.
  • Set custom SharePoint fields on the new folder as specified in SharePoint Object Settings.
  • Create the child folder hierarchy as specified in SharePoint Object Settings and set SharePoint custom fields on the newly created folders.
  • Update the Salesforce record with the newly created SharePoint Folder Id.


Param Description
recordId The Salesforce record id to create a folder for. It must correspond to the object type specified in the SharePoint Object Settings record
parentFolderId The SharePoint folder id in which to place the new folder. This can be populated from the SharePoint Object Settings record or set manually
objectSettingsLabel The label of the SharePoint Object Settings metadata record to use to set the folder up.
conflictBehavior What the method will do if a folder already exists with the same name in the root folder. The three supported conflict behaviors are ‘fail’ (sFiles will not setup the folder), ‘replace’ (sFiles will replace the existing folder) and ‘rename’ (sFiles will append a number at the end of the newly created folder to rename it). The default behavior is rename.


Type Description
SharepointFileInfo A SharePointFileInfo object of the folder that was setup.

global SharePointFileInfo updateCustomFields(string fileId, Map<String,String> customFields)

Manually sets custom field/value combinations to a document or folder in SharePoint

The example below shows how to set SharePoint custom text fields “SalesforceAccountId” to a hard-coded value and “Type” to a referenced account type.


Param Description
fileId The Id value from a SharePointFileInfo object
customFields The format for the map is that the key is the SharePoint field name and the value is the value to write to that field.


Type Description
SharePointFileInfo A SharePointFileInfo object of the file or folder that was updated.


    Map<String,String> fields = new Map<String,String>();

global SharePointFileInfo uploadFile(string parentFolderId, string fileName, Blob fileContents)

A very simple upload method. This allows an upload of up to 4 MB and does not require a contentversion. This can be used to upload any blob as a file. Unlike other methods listed here, it does not set SharePoint fields automaticaly. Because of the 4 MB size limitation, uploadLargeFile is recommended.


Param Description
parentFolderId Must be an existing folder within the Site and Document Library that the user has access to.
fileName The file name with extension of the file to be uploaded. Be sure to make sure that no illegal characters are in the fileName.
fileContents A blob value for the contents of the file.


Type Description
SharePointFileInfo A SharePointFileInfo object of the file that was uploaded.


    ContentVersion fileVersionToUpload : [SELECT Id, Title, FileExtension, VersionData, ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion WHERE ContentDocumentId = : ContentDocumentId LIMIT 1];
    Blob theBody;
    string fileName = '';
    theBody = fileVersionToUpload.VersionData;
    fileName = fileVersionToUpload.Title + '.' + fileVersionToUpload.FileExtension;
    apiClient.uploadFile(ParentFolderId, fileName,theBody);

global SharePointFileInfo uploadFile(string parentFolderId, string fileName, Blob fileContents, string recordId, map<string,string> customFields)

Upload that will also set SharePoint custom field values. This allows an upload of up to 4 MB and does not require a contentversion. This can be used to upload any blob as a file. The file will be uploaded, and upon completion, custom fields will be set in SharePoint.

Because of the 4 MB size limitation, uploadLargeFile is recommended.

Usage The example below shows querying a contentversion by ContentDocumentId and uploading the file with custom SharePoint fields. It sets the SharePoint field, “SalesforceAccountId” to a hard-coded value and “Type” to a referenced account type.


Param Description
parentFolderId Must be an existing folder within the Site and Document Library that the user has access to.
fileName The file name with extension of the file to be uploaded. Be sure to make sure that no illegal characters are in the fileName.
fileContents A blob value for the contents of the file
recordId This is the Salesforce Record ID that is associated with the file. It is required.
customFields The format for the map is that the key is the SharePoint field name and the value is the value to write to that field.


Type Description
SharePointFileInfo A SharePointFileInfo object of the file that was uploaded.


    ContentVersion fileVersionToUpload : [SELECT Id, Title, FileExtension, VersionData, ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion WHERE ContentDocumentId = : ContentDocumentId LIMIT 1];
    Blob theBody;
    string fileName = '';
    theBody = fileVersionToUpload.VersionData;
    fileName = fileVersionToUpload.Title + '.' + fileVersionToUpload.FileExtension;
    Map<String,String> fields = new Map<String,String>();
    apiClient.uploadFile(ParentFolderId, fileName,theBody,acct.Id,fields);

global SharePointFileInfo uploadFile(string parentFolderId, string fileName, Blob fileContents, string recordId, map<string,string> customFields, string conflictBehavior)

Upload that will also set SharePoint custom field values. This allows an upload of up to 4 MB and does not require a contentversion. This can be used to upload any blob as a file. The file will be uploaded, and upon completion, custom fields will be set in SharePoint.

Because of the 4 MB size limitation, uploadLargeFile is recommended.

Usage The example below shows querying a contentversion by ContentDocumentId and uploading the file with custom SharePoint fields. It sets the SharePoint field, “SalesforceAccountId” to a hard-coded value and “Type” to a referenced account type.


Param Description
parentFolderId Must be an existing folder within the Site and Document Library that the user has access to.
fileName The file name with extension of the file to be uploaded. Be sure to make sure that no illegal characters are in the fileName.
fileContents A blob value for the contents of the file
recordId This is the Salesforce Record ID that is associated with the file. It is required.
customFields The format for the map is that the key is the SharePoint field name and the value is the value to write to that field.
conflictBehavior What the method will do if a file already exists with the same name in the root folder. The three supported conflict behaviors are ‘fail’ (sFiles will not upload the file), ‘replace’ (sFiles will replace the existing file) and ‘rename’ (sFiles will append a number at the end of the newly created file to rename it). The default behavior is replace.


Type Description
SharePointFileInfo A SharePointFileInfo object of the file that was uploaded.


    ContentVersion fileVersionToUpload : [SELECT Id, Title, FileExtension, VersionData, ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion WHERE ContentDocumentId = : ContentDocumentId LIMIT 1];
    Blob theBody;
    string fileName = '';
    theBody = fileVersionToUpload.VersionData;
    fileName = fileVersionToUpload.Title + '.' + fileVersionToUpload.FileExtension;
    String conflictBehavior = 'rename';
    apiClient.uploadFile(ParentFolderId, fileName,theBody, acct.Id, null, conflictBehavior);

global SharePointFileInfo uploadLargeFile(string parentFolderId, string fileName, string documentVersionId)

Upload a file up to 11 MB but requires a ContentVersionId This method will not set SharePoint fields.

global SharePointFileInfo uploadLargeFile(string parentFolderId, string fileName, string documentVersionId, string recordId, map<string,string> customFields)

Upload up to 11 MB that will also set SharePoint custom field values.

global SharePointFileInfo uploadLargeFile(string parentFolderId, string fileName, string documentVersionId, string recordId, map<string,string> customFields, Boolean autodelete)

This signature allows the ability to retain the ContentVersion after the file is uploaded to SharePoint.

global SharePointFileInfo uploadLargeFile(string parentFolderId, string fileName, string documentVersionId, string recordId, map<string,string> customFields, Boolean autodelete, Boolean replaceFile)

Upload a file up to 11 MB but requires a ContentVersionId The file will be uploaded as a


Param Description
parentFolderId Must be an existing folder within the Site and Document Library that the user has access to.
fileName The file name with extension of the file to be uploaded. Be sure to make sure that no illegal characters are in the fileName.
documentVersionId The ContentVersion Id of the file
recordId This is the Salesforce Record ID that is associated with the file. It is used by future methods to set custom fields on the record.
customFields The format for the map: the key is the SharePoint field name and the value is the value to write to that field.
autodelete (Optional) Boolean that determines whether ContentVersion created when uploading file to SharePoint is automatically deleted or not. Defaults to true (will automatically delete ContentVersion upon upload).
replaceFile (Optional) Boolean that determines whether the file uploaded will be replaced or renamed if another file with the same name exists.


Type Description
SharePointFileInfo A SharePointFileInfo object of the file that was uploaded.

Future method. Upon completion, custom fields will be set in SharePoint and a File_Uploaded_Community__e platform event will be fired. Code can be written to subscribe to the platform event to further extend functionality. All fields are required in order to set custom fields upon upload.

This method always returns null.

Usage The example below shows querying a contentversion by ContentDocumentId and uploading the file with custom SharePoint fields. It sets the SharePoint field, “SalesforceAccountId” to a hard-coded value and “Type” to a referenced account type.


    for(ContentVersion fileVersionToUpload : [SELECT Id, Title, FileExtension, ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion WHERE ContentDocumentId = : ContentDocumentId LIMIT 1]){
    string fileName = '';
    fileName = fileVersionToUpload.Title + '.' + fileVersionToUpload.FileExtension;
    Map<string,string> fields = new Map<string,string>();
    apiClient.uploadLargeFile(ParentFolderId, fileName,fileVersionToUpload.Id,acct.Id,fields);}

global void writeDebugInfo()

This method will log sFiles Debug information in the sFiles Debug Log Object. The following must be in place for this method to work: • The log level in SharePoint Settings (Setup > Custom Metadata Types > SharePoint Setttings > Default) must be set to a value other than “None”. • This method must be called after all sFiles methods and DML operations are complete. • NOTE: Return the log level in step 1 to “None” when not in use to avoid unnecessary operations.



