This class is returned by the getItemBySharePointURL method. It contains structures The API allows the developer to create, delete and update metadata fields for files and folders.
global docLibFolderId
→ String
The value of the folder Id from the retrieved Document Library (used instead of the folderId when the folder is root folder of the document library)
global docLibId
→ String
The value of the retrieved Document Library’s SharePoint Id
global docLibInfo
→ SharePointFileInfo
A SharePointFileInfo object that represents the retrieved Document Library’s metadata
global errorCode
→ String
an error code that can be used with support to troubleshoot specific issues
global folderId
→ String
The value of the retrieved folder’s SharePoint Id
global folderInfo
→ SharePointFileInfo
A SharePointFileInfo object that represents the retrieved folder’s metadata
global siteId
→ String
The value of the retrieved folder’s Site Id
global siteInfo
→ SharePointFileInfo
A SharePointFileInfo object that represents the retrieved Site’s metadata